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What to pack?


Campers will be very active several times a day, so you'll want to be sure you pack enough workout clothes. Activities on a typical day include a morning workout, cross-training, and Ultimate Frisbee.  Time to shower will be scheduled in twice a day and most likely (depending on the activity they’ve just participated in) they will be mandatory. In addition to workout clothes pack comfortable, casual clothes for other activities (lecture periods, free time, etc.), a fleece top or jacket (mornings, evenings, and lecture halls can be cool), and something to swim in in case the pool is available to us for cross training. Please no bikinis or speedos.

Running Shoes

You can make it through the week just fine with one pair of good running shoes however, it is nice to have two pairs. For example, should your shoes get soaked by morning dew on a run, it's nice to let them dry out for the day and have another pair that you can switch to. You will not need track or cross-country spikes.

Water Bottle

This hardly requires an explanation. You will frequently be reminded to stay hydrated!


Bringing snacks is NOT required. We will have excellent meals throughout the week, however, if your camper tends to suffer from low blood sugar or if you know that they frequently eat something mid-afternoon or before bed, we recommend bringing along your favorite bars or other healthy snacks. Food in the dorms is frowned upon, so please only bring individually packaged snacks and avoid open containers/bags.

Small bag/backpack

This is also optional, however, at various times they will be carrying around with them their water bottle, a dry shirt, jacket, notebook for lectures, and any snacks they choose to bring.


Soap, shampoo, toothbrush, etc.

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